TED spark plugs

When you have a very technical issue, let's try to ask John who is a real expert since he has spent more than 20 years of his life working on TE 20s !

In english here please

Modérateur: VINCENT

TED spark plugs

Message par Véro & Fred » 13 Fév 2007, 18:24

Hi John.

Here's some pictures of one of the spark plugs (Champion N21) from my TED 1951.
Engine is runing with a mixture composed of 1 part petrol for one part heating oil.
Very low oil consumption.
It would be a great pleasure for me of reading your opinion concerning their color :wink:

Best regards,



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Véro & Fred
Silence, on tourne...à la manivelle
Message(s) : 309
Inscription : 16 Nov 2006, 18:29

Message par john » 13 Fév 2007, 21:44

Bonsoir, Those plugs look fine to me, the colour is just what you should get when it is tuned correctly. Always difficult with a TVO type mix though.
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THE Ferguson Expert ;-)
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Message par Véro & Fred » 13 Fév 2007, 21:49

Many thanks :wink:

Je n'aurai jamais assez d'une vie pour faire tout ce que j'aimerais faire.
Tant pis, je reviendrai.
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Véro & Fred
Silence, on tourne...à la manivelle
Message(s) : 309
Inscription : 16 Nov 2006, 18:29

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