Numbers( of the series) of the french TE20

When you have a very technical issue, let's try to ask John who is a real expert since he has spent more than 20 years of his life working on TE 20s !

In english here please

Modérateur: VINCENT

Numbers( of the series) of the french TE20

Message par MonsieurTEA » 08 Avr 2009, 10:18

Hey John,
I bought a french TEA20 a few weeks ago.Now I want to know something about the numbers from the french series.My has the number 34438 and was built on january 1957.Can this be right?
I live in germany and in our german forum( Das deutsche Ferguson-und
MF-Forum) everybody told me ,that my TEA20 cannot be built in 1957.
1956 = the last TE
1957 = FF30
Please can you help me?I find a lot of the english models and numbers,but there is nothing about the french one.
Where are the differences between the english and the french models?

Many thanks from germany

( Apologize for the english - my last lesson is long,long ago!!!)
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Message par webmaster » 09 Avr 2009, 20:36


34xxx is a french TEA 20, no doubt, built in 1956 and perhaps sold in 1957 .... :wink:
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Message par MonsieurTEA » 10 Avr 2009, 12:46

Ok! :D
Do you know,where I can look up for that?
I must have a copy or something else about it,if I will get a german license
for my tractor.The "carte grise" isn`t enough,because there is nothing about the year in which the tractor is built!
In germany you must have many facts about the tractor,when he should have a license: built in which year,how long,how wide,how many PS,which is the fast speed, the weight of the tractor and so on.Do you know ,where I can get these informations?Everybody here has an english one.

thanks Anke
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Message par Domino35 » 10 Avr 2009, 13:56

Hi Anke,

I think you need what we call the "barré rouge" or more properly "la notice descriptive".

We have on line on our message board a copy concerning the french gazoline engine TEA 20 here = ... _TEA20.pdf

As well as for the FF 30 DS (diesel engine), there = ... FF30DS.pdf

Both forms are in french.

Hope it helps


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Message par webmaster » 10 Avr 2009, 21:10

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Message par MonsieurTEA » 15 Avr 2009, 08:14

Hello everybody !
Thank you for all your answers.You helped me very well :D
I think ,when I have repaired all the electric wires ,I can get the licence for my tractor! :P :P :P

Thanks from germany

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Message par webmaster » 16 Avr 2009, 06:42

when you can, send us a photo of your tractor on the forum :wink:
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Localisation : PARTOUT ;-) Tracteur : ex : TEF20 1957 new : MF 235 1978 & MCormick 326D 1965

Message par MonsieurTEA » 22 Avr 2009, 14:18


Hello everybody :D

Here a few photos of my french fergie TEA20 built in `56.[/img]
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Message par MonsieurTEA » 22 Avr 2009, 14:29

Sorry :?
It doesn`t work with the photo :cry:

Can you tell me ,how I can send a photo to the forum?
In our german forum ,I have to make it on a other way.
Please show me the right way dto do.

thanks :lol:
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Message par Fabrice ff30 » 22 Avr 2009, 15:01

MonsieurTEA a écrit:Image

Hello everybody :D

Here a few photos of my french fergie TEA20 built in `56.[/img]

Hello, you just have to write [/img] just after the photo's name.
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Message par webmaster » 22 Avr 2009, 22:47

thanks !!!!

typical french.... including its ridiculous firemen orange light.... :cry: :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Message(s) : 1358163
Inscription : 15 Déc 2004, 17:39
Localisation : PARTOUT ;-) Tracteur : ex : TEF20 1957 new : MF 235 1978 & MCormick 326D 1965

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